An interesting discussion which highlights the intricacies of legal thinking lost to the untrained public mind. A question:

Isn’t giving the POTUS the right to pardon himself the same as legally sanctioned placing of him/herself above the law? I don’t see how the framers could overlook potential immoral conduct as an obstacle to giving the POTUS a personal get out of jail free card.

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You're right about the self pardon - it seems inconsistent with the very structure of our government and the idea that no one is above the law. But so does the immunity that this Court just "discovered."

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So what does the Court's seeming to side with Trump do for advocating stronger SCOTUS ethical standards?

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Thanks for trying to make sense of a gobbledygook footnote and turning it into something intelligible. One would think, and rightfully expect, the high court to write with clarity so that at a minimum even trained lawyers would understand what the court is trying to communicate.

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